classi.jpg (15629 bytes)

more.jpg (5142 bytes)

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caja.jpg (5463 bytes)

caja1.jpg (19899 bytes)

Above: Caja is owned by Susan du Toit of Benoni.

desire.jpg (5871 bytes)

desire1.jpg (20379 bytes)

desire2.jpg (14495 bytes) desire3.jpg (13578 bytes)

Above: "Miss Mouse" (seal point spay) now lives with Francoisnette.

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hope1.jpg (20229 bytes) hope2.jpg (16691 bytes)

hunk.jpg (12763 bytes)

class1.jpg (23412 bytes) class2.jpg (21600 bytes)

Above: These two beautiful babies now lives with Dr Cassie & Tillie Steenkamp in Port Elizabeth.

yazoo.jpg (5683 bytes)

yazoo1.jpg (19455 bytes)

Above: Yazoo, a lovely seal tabby point, is owned by Mrs A.Heibner of Bellville.